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Subject to contabescence of the anthers. For _Crinum_ see _Origin_ Ed. i. p. 250: for _Rhododenron_ and _Calceolaria_ see p. 251. > From the foregoing facts I think we must admit that there exists a perfect gradation in fertility between species which when crossed are quite fertile (as in Rhododendron Calceolaria &c. ) and indeed in an extraordinary degree fertile (as in Crinum) and those species which never produce offspring but which by certain effects (as the exsertion of the pollen-tube) evince their alliance. Hence I conceive we must give up sterility although undoubtedly in a lesser or greater degree of very frequent occurrence as an unfailing mark by which _species_ can be distinguished from _races_ _i. e. _ from those forms which have descended from a common stock. .
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